liberijský hrošík
Hrošík libérijský (Hexaprotodon liberiensis Morton 1849), domorodci nazývaný nigbwe, je trpasličí druh hrocha, žijúceho skryto v pralesoch Západnej Afriky. Správy o ňom boli dlho považované za výmysly ao hrošík sa zaujímali jedine kryptozoologové. Jeho existenciu sa preto podarilo vedeckému svetu dokázať až v roku 1914.
Choeropsis liberiensis
Telesné rozmery
Dĺžka tela 1,7-1,9 m
Výška 80 cm
Hmotnosť 250-300 kg
Latinské meno Hexaprotodon liberiensis
Výskyt Dažďové pralesy tropické a subtropické lesy, bambusové lesy, mangľovníka / Sladká voda rieky, jazerá, rybníky, slepé ramená riek, potoky, mokrade, močiare, močiare, pramene, zaplavovaná územia, priehrady, stoky, brehy riek, podzemná voda v jaskyniach
Tento menší príbuzný hrocha žije v okolí bažín, ale väčšinu času trávi na súši. V súčasnej dobe je jeho prežitie vážne ohrozené v dôsledku výrub tropických dažďových pralesů.Nebezpečí mu hrozí aj od lovcov, ktorí ho prenasledujú kvôli masu.Vyhledává bažinaté, vlhké biotopy v okolí riek. Na rozdiel od hrocha nie je tak ako jeho väčší príbuzný viazaný na vodu. Nežije v stádach, ale vyskytuje sa jednotlivo alebo v pároch. Gravidita trvá okolo 7 mesiacov. Mávajú len jediné mláďa, vážiaci 5-7 kilogramov, ktoré samica dojčia 9 až 12 mesiacov, pri dojčení samica leží na boku. S matkou sa mláďa zdržiava dva až tri roky.
Hrošík libérijský je chovancom niekoľkých českých zoologických záhrad: Zoo Olomouc kde chovajú pár, ktorý priviedol na svet už sedem mláďat. Ďalej Zoo Plzeň, Zoo jihlava a Zoo Dvůr Králové
História objavovania
Správy o tomto tvorovi prichádzali z Afriky často. V roku 1843 získal americký zoológ Morton z Libérie dve lebky. V roku 1870 bolo pri pitve uhynuvšího domnelého hrocha v Dublinskej zoo zistilo, že ide o nový druh, choreopsise. V Hamburskej zoo v roku 1885 správali jeden exemplár (o ktorom sa tiež sprvu domnievali, že je len malý hroch). Aj cez to, odmietala vtedajšia veda existenciu hrošík libérijského uznať. Lebky vyhlásila za pozůstaky už vyhynutých zvierat ao exemplároch chovaných v zoo vyhlásili, že ide len o degenerované jedinca hrocha.
V roku 1910 financoval Carl Hagenbeck, riaditeľ Hamburskej zoo, výpravu do Libérie. Prvá výprava ešte úspechom neskončila, ale tá druhá, ktorá sa uskutočnila v roku 1913, znamenala päť živých exemplárov na Hamburský zoo a uznanie nového druhu.
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The Way in order to Identify Premium Imitation Bags
(EdwardGlure, 13. 7. 2024 6:04)
Before you begin buying, inform yourself concerning the exact luxury bag you’re interested in. Record the distinct features, materials, & assembly elements that render it stand out.
Check the Materials
Top-quality replicas use materials that nearly replicate those of the original. Search for bags crafted from authentic leather or high-quality man-made materials. Low-quality imitations often use cheap materials that are easy to identify.
Inspect the Workmanship
Check the sewing closely. Premium brands and their premium replicas have even, tight, and clean stitching. Loose or erratic stitches are a red warning
Give Attention to Hardware
The hardware (zippers, buckles, clasps) on a copy bag should be durable and have a superior feel. It should also match the color and design of the authentic.
Assess the Interior
A top-quality imitation will have an interior that is as precisely crafted as the exterior. Check for quality lining, pockets, and brand tags that match the authentic design.
High-quality imitations ought to equal the mass and scale of the authentic. Genuine luxury purses are commonly weightier due to the utilization of high-quality components, so a good replica should seem solid.Conclusion
Seek for Authentic Wrapping
A lot of top-notch duplicates are packaged with wrapping that mimics the authentic, including storage pouches, containers, and genuineness certificates. Although not a assurance of high-quality, good packaging is a good sign.
Review Feedback and Buy from Trusted Sellers
Customer testimonials can give valuable information into the quality of a duplicate purse. Select for sellers with good testimonials and a standing for offering high-quality items.
Locating a premium replica bag needs a keen sight along with a little investigation, but a payoff becomes an chic addition that adds an dash of opulence for your closet minus the luxury cost. No matter if you’re a fashion enthusiast, a bargain buyer, or someone that adores the appearance of elegance, fake purses provide a chic alternative.
The Way to Determine High-Quality Imitation Handbags
(RichardWourn, 13. 7. 2024 3:10)
Before you start shopping, inform yourself about the particular luxury bag you are interested in. Observe the unique traits, components, and construction elements that make it stand out.
Inspect the Materials
Premium imitations employ materials that almost imitate those of the original. Look for bags created from real leather or high-grade synthetic materials. Low-quality imitations often use cheap materials that are effortless to spot.
Examine the Craftsmanship
Examine the sewing closely. Premium brands and their top-tier imitations have consistent, tight, and clean stitching. Loose or irregular stitches are a red flag
Pay Attention to Hardware
The hardware (zippers, buckles, clasps) on a replica bag should be sturdy and have a premium feel. It should also match the color and design of the genuine.
Evaluate the Interior
A premium replica will have an interior that is as precisely constructed as the exterior. Inspect for quality lining, pockets, and brand tags that match the authentic design.
Top-notch replicas should equal the weight and scale of the authentic. Real luxury purses are frequently heavier due to the use of high-quality materials, so a good replica must feel significant.Conclusion
Search for Authentic Packaging
Numerous premium replicas come with wrapping that mimics the genuine, like protective pouches, containers, and genuineness cards. Although not a assurance of quality, good wrapping is a favorable sign.
Read Testimonials and Purchase from Trusted Retailers
Client feedback might give valuable details into the superior of a replica purse. Opt for vendors with positive feedback and a standing for selling premium goods.
Finding a top-notch imitation handbag requires an discerning vision plus a bit of investigation, but a reward will be an fashionable accessory that contributes an dash of elegance for your collection excluding the luxury cost. Whether you’re a fashion enthusiast, a bargain shopper, or someone who loves the appearance of luxury, replica purses provide a stylish alternative.
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(EdwardWal, 13. 7. 2024 7:00)